Tuesday, May 18, 2010


We had a good dinner last night...baked pork chops, home fries and cooked cabbage. If you haven't tried the cabbage, it's really easy and tasty...plus CHEAP.

Cut a medium sized head of cabbage into large chunks, place in a sauce pan, sprinkle with sugar, crushed red pepper, dot with bacon drippings (or add a chunk of ham) and add enough water to cover about an inch on the bottom. Cover and cook until it's tender or crisp-tender, however you prefer. It should have enough sugar to smell sweet and enough crushed red pepper for a little burn. It is really good with a baked sweet potato, but Hubby wanted home fries. Home fries it was.

We found two more tomatoes yesterday and we've got some strawberries turning. The garden is looking good, and (knock on wood) the heavy rains have not seemed to hurt it. Hopefully we'll have some sunshine today.

The squash is coming right along too. This zucchini is a hybrid, it is mottled green instead of solid and it has a very mild flavor. I like to pick it when it's on the small side, slice it and saute in a little olive oil. It's good on the grill, too.

Have a wonderful day!

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