Friday, July 30, 2010

Well whadda ya know....

our first watermelon was delicious!

This little fellow was about the size of a soccer ball and was as sweet as it could be. This was the first...we did the thump test on them all until we decided on it. It was one of the solid green "twins" I pictured the other day.

Wow - I'll be glad when we can go grocery shopping again...Sunday the first will be the day. Hubby went by the produce market to check on's right at $25 a bushel for Silver King variety. We always buy that because it is so sweet and it does wonderfully on the grill. That comes out to around $.42 per ear (60 ears to a bushel), so what we will do is purchase the bushel and freeze it, then buy what we want to eat right now as we go. That way, when the season is over, I will still have my bushel.

We bought fresh corn at Aldi's at the first of this month and I baked it on the cob. It was really good...they had stripped the husk off on one side, so I washed it and got the remaining husk good and wet. I buttered the open side and seasoned it with cajun seasoning and a little garlic pepper. I put it on a cookie sheet and put it in the oven. It baked until the exposed kernels were lightly browned. It was delicious! We normally do it on the grill, but we didn't have it on.

I can buy my corn and other fresh produce with my food stamp card. Every little bit helps. Freezer space is getting short, so I'll probably have to go ahead and make my blackberry/raspberry jam soon. Hubby dug out the jars from his shed so I've got plenty to work with. That might just be a weekend project.

Have a berry good day!

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