This SO does not do justice to this sparkleball. I had to turn off the flash so you could see the effect...we have five of them across the front of the house. Hubby hung them up with bungee cords, so when the wind is blowing they sway. This one is about the size of a small beach ball. It's made with plastic cups, zip ties and a string of lights.
Little Man and Big Guy were with us last night and while Big Guy was sleeping Little Man wanted to go outside to see the balls. He didn't have a coat here, so I got a sweatshirt, folded the arms up and put it on him. It came down to his shoes and was a little goofy looking, but he didn't care. He said "Granny Honey it's bootiful". He really liked the tree inside too. He hasn't found the candy canes yet.
We had baked pork steak and cooked cabbage for supper last night. It was soooo good. We're going to have chili tonight in honor of the cold weather. It's about time to practice on some pralines...that may be an afternoon project. They don't last long...I should just glue them to my hips because that's where they end up anyway.
Daughter and son-in-law celebrated their anniversary yesterday and went to see the new Harry Potter at IMAX. I can't wait to see it, though I will probably have to wait until it comes out on TV. Daughter got me hooked on the books and I really enjoyed reading them. Hubby can't stand watching the movies on TV but I watch them every time they come on.
Stay warm and have a great day!
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