Thursday, December 2, 2010

Madame Crapsalot

This is Lucy. Better known now as Madame Crapsalot. She crapsalot. She peesalot too. We couldn't stand it any more...too quiet around the house. Nobody to talk to because Sally, our other Boston, sleeps all day. She rouses about time for the mail to run, gets a treat and goes back to bed. She positively does not like cold weather and stays covered up under a blanket.

Lucy thinks Sally is her new best friend. She lunges, hops, circles and gets the rips when she plays with Sally. Then she passes out until her energy is restored. I must say, she is a lot of company. Plus worth a good laugh or two.

I made a pot of chili the other day when it got so cold and last night we had killer chili dogs. Still stretching the groceries...we have a freezer full of hot dogs that were bought on sale. They come in handy occasionally.

Hubby and I made a half batch of salsa a few weeks ago - specially for his friend who likes hot stuff. I used my recipe, only replaced the jalapeno peppers with habanero peppers. While it was cooking, the fumes burned our eyes and a taste test stayed with me all afternoon. We gave a jar to son in law and the rest to Hubby's friend.  Friend thanked Hubby and later told him it was really good....just not hot enough. I nearly fell over. His mouth must be lined with asbestos.

The habanero plant was the last plant left from the garden and we picked it before it frosted. We got a three gallon bucket full of them. They ripened at different time on the cabinet so we were able to share plenty and freeze some.

It's about time to start candy making. Daughter has told me some of the stuff she's doing and it sounds wonderful. I got my praline recipe down pat last year and they are very, very good. My dear friend in Missouri sent me a gallon of native pecans (the small, very tasty ones) and 2 quarts of Mexican vanilla which I shared with Daughter. My in-laws also sent another 2 gallons, so I have plenty for lots of goodies. I have just about talked myself into making something sweet.

Have a wonderful day and count your blessings!

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