But this is Oklahoma and it's not a tornado but the leftovers from the hurricane.
We finally got a little rain...been waiting and waiting. And I mean little rain. Everybody is about to float off around us and so far we've had 1/4 inch.
We had a very nice Labor Day....cooked out and had Little Man over for the night. We stayed outside until after dark. The teenage girls next door got in a rousing game of football which attracted Little Man. They accidentally knocked the ball over the chain link fence and Little Man grabbed it and ran. We could see flashlights bobbing as he ran by us with the ball in his arms. I told Hubby that he had a ball that wasn't his (Hubby had given him a small ball) and we made him take it back. The girls invited him over to play since he was obviously quarterback material. He was completely exhausted when we went in.
I fixed a big pot of spaghetti last night, it was easy and we have both been tired...guess it's due to the weather and getting up way too early. My internal clock for some reason starts screaming at me at 4:30 or 5 a.m. Rather than lay there and toss I go ahead and get up. The coffee's good, the house is quiet and I collect my thoughts and do a little farming on the computer.
Speaking of farming...this okra is all that's left of our garden except for 2 pepper plants. One is a habanero and they are just starting to turn orange. WHEW! I don't see how anybody can sit there and eat them, but Hubby has a friend who loves them, so that's where they're going. When the weather turns a little cooler, we're going to re-work the garden. We have plenty of cross ties so we're going to take them up, till the entire back and remake the beds into long rectangles so we can harvest from each side. The ones we have now are square so if anything is planted in the middle you have to get up on the bed to pick it.
Maybe we'll get more rain a little later on. Hope you have a good day!
so *that* explains why he was so tired... awesome!