really goofy looking! It is pale green, almost white. We ordered our usual Clemson variety from Park's and they included this as a bonus. Hubby planted it, thinking we had our usual dark green variety. The pods are very nice and it's not too spiny. We haven't tried it yet, but I'm thinking soon.
The yellow tomatoes came up from who knows where, we had them in a bed last year, and we've had several come off. I don't can with the yellow tomatoes because I'm afraid of the acid content. These are very sweet but have a really good flavor. We will put them in Randy Relish, but I would hate to go through all the time and effort to can them in something and then find out they spoiled.
These are the okra plants, with a few melons and some weedus-weedus. Hubby can't get the weedeater close enough without me holding up the vines and now the melons are big enough that I don't want to damage the vines by picking them and the melons up off the ground. The okra is about 5 feet tall now, so it gets plenty of sun in spite of the other "crops".
I blanched, peeled and cored enough tomatoes to make two batches of salsa yesterday...26 cups put in specially marked bags in the freezer. Now all I have to do is pick a slow day and go to it. I'm going to be canning a little more than ususal this year - everything has been so plentiful and I keep telling myself "think winter".
We will have to do sweet pickles soon, the cucumbers are peaking here now and I only need about 7 pounds. Thank goodness I stocked up on sugar earlier on. We have a refrigerator in our garage that's full of cornmeal, sugar and flour.
I've dried one big batch of herbs so far (and given a lot away), so we're getting set on that end.
Have a super sunny day!
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