Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Since it was only about 100 degrees outside today, I decided to pick herbs to dry. This is the second batch I've picked for myself.

They are really nice right now...I tend them frequently and keep them picked so they have lots of new growth. I cut them with scissors and take only the top leaves. They are more flavorful than the lower leaves. If the plants are very large, as my basil and parsley are, the lower leaves get very large and sometimes a little "woody". I didn't pick very much dill as I want it to go to seed.

All you have to do is cut them, wash them off - I use the sprayer at my sink - and lay them out in an airy, bright place on a kitchen towel. Make sure you are able to identify them when they dry, sometimes it's hard to tell. When they are completely dried out, place them in an air tight container...I use glass canning jars...and keep them in a cool dark place. They should be brittle to the touch. If they are not completely dried they will mold after being sealed up.

I put two gallons of whole tomatoes, peeled and cored, in the freezer yesterday. Gosh they have been good!

Kept Little Man the other day. He really keeps my on my toes! We have a large floor fan going in the living room to circulate the air conditioning. It can be tilted to blow straight up or at an angle. I was in the kitchen and heard what sounded like a barrage of BB's going off. I looked around the bar and Little Man said Ooooh Nooo! He had tilted the fan to blow straight up and dropped a handful of kibbles dog food in it. My living room looked like a herd of goats had come through - there were pellets everywhere. I'm sure there are still some under the couch but I'm afraid to look.

Stay cool!

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